Energy Performance Certificates Explained

Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) are needed when homeowners, estate agents or landlords are buying or selling a house.

This is because the building needs to be assessed and graded in terms of how energy efficient a property is and where energy improvements can be made.

So why is an EPC important?

Because as a new time buyer, you want to make sure the house you are buying is fully energy efficient and, if it isn’t, where can you make improvements.

The Energy Performance Certificate explains all the information needed to know what the energy usage is and the typical costs to run those resources.

It also provides advice and gives recommendations on how you can improve the property’s energy rating, which, we’ll be getting into in this article, along with;

  • Energy Performance Certificates Explained
  • How to get an Energy Performance Certificate
  • How Long Is An Energy Performance Certificate Valid For
  • What You Need To Know When Buying or Selling a Home

So if you’re staring at an EPC label on Rightmove or Zoopla and have no idea what it means, keep reading this article to find out everything you need to know about EPCs.

Energy Performance Certificates Explained

As we mentioned, Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) are needed when a homeowner is buying, selling or even renting a home.

Usually, it’s up to the landlord or estate agent to order an EPC and provide that to the tenants before they move into the property.

Without this, you may not be able to buy, sell or rent a property. And in most cases, you could be fined up to £200 for not having one to provide. So it’s important to order one as soon as you know you want to do either of the above.

Energy Performance Certificates are useful because when shown to a homeowner, it gives a good indication of where energy costs will be spent and where the homeowner or tenant can improve on the property’s energy costs.

Of course, if the tenant is renting, it’s usually up to the landlord to make such changes; such as the energy efficiency of the windows, doors, walls and floor.

But if you own your property, you can more often than not, make these changes yourself.

Depending on your level of household income and situation, you may be able to get a grant for windows and doors from the government which is something we’ve advised on before. 

How to get an Energy Performance Certificate

It’s quite simple to get an Energy Performance Certificate. You can use these search facilities to find an assessor who can issue you an EPC. Depending on which area you live in:

You need to find an accredited assessor to come out to the property to run an analysis of the property and then they, in turn, will issue you an EPC. 

But it is important to remember, that you must provide an Energy Performance Certificate before selling or renting your house. 

And if you’re a buyer or a potential tenant of the property, you need to make sure you see an EPC before signing your life away on the dotted line!

How Long Is An Energy Performance Certificate Valid For

Once issued, an EPC is valid for 10 years. 

And what’s also important to note is that, once you have your EPC issued and attained, it can be used multiple times on the same property up until it expires after 10 years.

If you plan on selling or renting the property again and your EPC has expired, you will have to go through the same process of acquiring an accredited assessor to come out to survey the property and issue the EPC again, which will again be valid for 10 years.

How To Improve EPC Rating


If you’re buying the property and you’ve seen the EPC, you need to understand where the energy usage is the highest in terms of energy resources and where the energy costs are being spent.

Once you’ve determined that, you can then look at the recommendations suggested by the assessor to be able to make improvements in the home, whether that’s double glazing, roof or wall installation or more.

This is important because now you know in the short term where your money will be spent, but in the long-term, you will have a plan of how you can improve the overall energy efficiency of the property and bring costs down, whilst making savings on energy bills in the months and years to come.

Energy Efficiency Rating From Energy Performance Certificte


If you’re about to rent a property, you need to be sure that you have seen the EPC before signing your tenancy agreement.

Why? Because you need to know where your monthly energy bills will be coming from, where you need to budget correctly and how energy efficient the house will be.

If you have not seen one, you should contact your estate agent or landlord immediately as you should’ve been shown this at the early stages of looking to rent a new house. Either in the house advertisement or in some other form.

Unfortunately for your estate agent or landlord, this may result in a hefty fine and this could damage your relationship with your landlord if it was he/she you found the property through.

But this shouldn’t concern you as you would be doing what is lawfully right in this instance.


If you are selling the property, you need to make sure you search for an accredited assessor (see above) to come out and survey the property. 

This assessment could take up to 2 hours to complete, but once completed you will be issued an EPC which is valid for 10 years.

If you receive an EPC and your property gets a low energy efficiency score, do not worry. The assessor will have added recommendations to the EPC report and it is up to you whether or not you wish to make these improvements yourself or leave it for the potential buyer to do once acquired.

These suggestions should only be accepted as recommendations, there is no legal right in having to make these energy upgrades, it is at the seller/buyer discretion.

Improve Your Homes’ Energy Efficiency

Whether you’re buying, selling or renting your property, you may want to consider increasing your energy efficiency by installing double glazing or upgrading new front and back doors

Use our online QuoteBuilder tool where you can design your windows and doors online and see in a visual representation how they would look to match your specifications. 

At the end of the process, you will get a free, no-obligation quote on installation costs from 3 local double glazing companies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do you get an Energy Performance Certificate?

Depending on where the property is (England, Northern Ireland, Wales or Scotland) you would need to search for an accredited assessor to come out to the property and survey the building. This could take anywhere up to 2 hours to complete. Once finished, the assessor will issue you with an Energy Performance Certificate.

How long is an Energy Performance Certificate valid for?

Once issued, an Energy Performance Certificate is valid for 10 years. In that time, you can use the EPC multiple times for the same property if you wish to rent out to different tenants.
After 10 years, the EPC has expired and you will need to follow the process again, to get a newly valid Energy Performance Certificate.

How much is an Energy Performance Certificate?

Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) range between £60.00 to £120.00 (inc. VAT) but it’s worth gathering quotes from different accredited assessors to help you find the most cost-effective and competitive rate going.

Window Energy Ratings: A, B, C Rated Windows Guide

You may think that by installing double glazed windows into your home means that your house will be warmer for longer, heating bills will be reduced and the value of your home will rise.

But this isn’t always the case.

Many homeowners don’t know that there are window energy ratings for different types of double glazing. 

And in this guide, we want to tell you everything you need to know about energy-efficient windows, what the difference between A Rated windows and B Rated windows is and what the overall impact these have on your home.

We’ll be looking at;

  • Window Energy Ratings
    • A Rated Windows Explained
    • B Rated Windows Explained
    • C Rated Windows Explained
    • Other Ratings
  • What Impact Do Energy Efficient Windows Have?
  • How To Choose The Best Windows For Your Home

We’ll also answer some of the more frequently asked questions at the end of our article so that you can start shopping around for the perfect windows for your budget and your home.

Window Energy Ratings (WER)

So what are window energy ratings?

Provided by the BFRC, it’s a colourful, easy to read label that showcases the overall energy efficiency of a complete window, from the frame to the glass on how well the window performs.

Window Energy Ratings Label Showing A Rated Windows, B Rated and C Rated Windows.

The performance of the window takes into account a number of factors including heat loss, solar gain and air leakage, together this creates how the information is displayed through the BFRC energy rating label as pictured above.

And what was once a nice to have in heat retention and lowering energy bills per month has become a necessity, it’s now become a legal requirement. 

So what do the ratings actually mean? 

A Rated Windows Explained

Quite simply, the higher the rating, the better the overall performance of the window. So if you have a higher budget and you’re willing to invest in A Rated or A+ Rated windows, then you will be receiving the highest energy-efficient windows on the market. 

But there is a trade-off between how much money you want to spend installing your windows versus how much money you think you may potentially save in the long run. 

Homeowners with disposable income may not have this worry and can afford to install the best of the best. 

But for homeowners who are cautious about their spend, but also want to invest and save money down the line, B Rated windows might be a better choice.

B Rated Windows Explained

Whilst still receiving most of the energy-saving benefits A Rated windows have to offer, B Rated windows offer slightly less in terms of an overall return on investment.

The only real difference for B Rated windows is they’re not as high-performing as A Rated windows are and they’re slightly cheaper to buy and install up-front.

This is why B Rated windows are a great option for more cautious homeowners. 

Ones who have the money to spend on new windows for their home, but don’t want to go overboard with their spending and find that B Rated windows offer everything they need in terms of spend versus cutting energy costs.

It mostly comes down to short term versus long term. 

In the short term, there is a higher up-front cost in order to receive and install A Rated or B Rated windows into the property, but the long term is how much impact those windows will have in reducing energy bills, promoting heat retention and boosting sustainability and energy efficiency throughout the house.

C Rated Windows Explained

For homeowners who are on a more tighter budget but want to upgrade their double glazed windows to something better that can reduce energy costs, C Rated windows might be the best option.

Whilst the difference between B Rated and C Rated is a closer gap than A Rated to C Rated, so too is the outcome from these windows.

The cost of energy bills may not be reduced as greatly as A Rated windows and heat loss may become more of a factor the lower down the window energy rating scale you get, but take into account the up-front cost for C Rated windows would be considerably much lower. 

That’s why with C Rated windows, they take into account budget. Receiving some of the energy-saving benefits at a more budget-level price.

Other Ratings

The lower down the window energy rating label you go, the less energy efficient the windows start to become and perform less.

That’s why we would highly recommend staying above the C Rated windows if your budget allows you to do so. 

We understand there is a trade-off between up-front costs and overall energy-saving benefits. But to go lower than C Rated windows, especially for an upgrade would potentially not be worth the investment due to not seeing any positive energy impacts for heat retention within the home.

However, this is purely our advice and each situation and homeowner is different. Please proceed with caution before investing in any double glazing windows and be sure to gather your research beforehand, to make an informed decision.

What Impact Do Energy Efficient Windows Have?

Energy-efficient windows have a huge impact on sustainability and promoting heat retention throughout the home.

If you’re upgrading from single glazed windows to A Rated double glazing windows, you will notice the difference almost instantly, as your property will be much warmer, will stay warmer for longer and energy bills will be greatly reduced. 

So are they worth the investment?

It depends on many different factors, your budget, the type of property you want to install double glazed windows in and what windows you currently have.

But from an energy-saving perspective with double glazing lasting up to 25 years, we would say that they are worth the investment and should be treated as such.

We’ve already established that the up-front costs may be quite high depending on the energy rating you choose to go for, but overall the return on your investment would mean saving hundreds of pounds a year and having a warmer more sustainable home in the long run.

Choose The Best Windows For Your Home

We hope you have a clearer idea of what to look for when buying double glazed windows. 

Whilst the window energy rating system is one part of the double glazing process, there are many other factors to consider when choosing the right windows. 

The style and design of the windows, the product quality and of course finding the best price for the windows you want.

By having an idea of the type of energy rating you’re looking for in windows can help determine which windows you may be interested in and in turn will show how much you may save in the long run and how much you might be quoted for up-front for the initial installation.

Find an installer near you to get quotes for free and with no obligation from our network of double glazing installers. Alternatively, use our QuoteBuilding tool where you can design online to your own specifications, the types of windows you want in your home and at the end, receive a free quote.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is an A Rated window?

An A Rated window is one of the best performing windows on the market in terms of energy efficiency, heat retention and overall performance. A Rated windows help cut energy bills and can help keep heat in the home for longer.

What type of window is most energy efficient?

The higher up the window energy rating (WER) label you go, the more energy efficient the window will be. No style of window is more energy efficient than the other, it’s the manufacturing process and how well the window (overall) from the frame to the glass, performs, this is what’s important for energy efficiency and window energy rating guides.

Are C Rated windows any good?

They can be. Whilst they offer fewer benefits than an A rated or B rated window, C rated windows can often be a compromise between budget and energy efficiency. So it’s not worth ruling them out, if you have a limited budget for your double glazing spend, consider C rated windows. However, if budget isn’t a concern, go for a higher window rating where possible.

How much are double glazing repairs

When looking for double glazing repairs, there is no set price as most of the time, it comes down to what the problem is and who the double glazing company is.

Companies choose their own prices based on the current market and the job at hand. Whilst we maintain that most of the installers we work with are quite competitive, their prices range from £50 to £500.

That’s why in this guide we want to help you to find an installer to fix your double glazing problems and we hope it will help you decide whether or not the repair is cost-effective enough to proceed.

In this article, we will estimate how much double glazing repairs are, and give you all the information you need to repair your windows or install new ones.

We’ll look at:

  • How much it is to repair your windows
  • How much it is to repair your doors
  • Where to find double glazing installers near you

Double glazing repairs

How much it is to repair your windows

Ranging from £50 all the way up to £500, and in some cases more, it really depends on what type of repair your uPVC windows need.

You may find the cost to replace your double glazing is actually more beneficial and “cheaper” in the long run, as repairing your current windows may be a short-term fix. Installing new windows may seem the more expensive option in the short-term, but in the long-term could prove to be a wise investment.

It really comes down to a few key factors:

  • How severe is the damage to your window?
  • What is your budget for any repairs to be made?
  • How long have you had your windows for?

By answering these three questions, you will quickly identify whether or not you should repair or replace. From there on you can weigh up the various double glazing replacement costs as well as looking for simple double glazing repairs.

How much is it to repair your doors

It may be that your double glazed doors need repairing, after all, they’re being used on a daily basis. Your windows, however, aren’t used as much and in some cases will tend to last longer.

As for doors, even with the high-quality materials used, they may still be more liable than windows to wear and tear.

That’s why in most cases, making smaller repairs to your doors could be a better option than buying new ones. 

With that being said, it really comes down to what uPVC door repairs are needed to get it back to looking and feeling brand new.

As before, we would recommend asking yourself some simple questions that may end up saving you time and money:

  • What is the damage to the door? Is it the handle? The hinges? The frame? Or something else?
  • How severe is the damage to the door?
  • What is your budget for repairs? Or for a full replacement?

From there you can start looking at the different repairs your uPVC door may need. If you decide the damage is far too severe, then looking for a full replacement might be your best bet.

Where to find double glazing installers near you

So now that you’ve decided that you need either uPVC double glazing repairs or window or door replacement, you can use our find an installer tool to find a double glazing installer who can provide a quote for repairing your double glazed windows or doors.
Alternatively, if you need new windows or doors, use our online tool to get a double glazing quote online.

The Pros and Cons of Composite Doors

Composite doors are a great investment for any homeowner who’s interested in upgrading their front or back doors.

And whilst there are a lot of pros and cons for composite doors, it’s hard to outweigh the many benefits composite doors have to offer.

We’ll be answering some of the pros and cons regarding composite doors including;


  • Composite vs wooden doors
  • The best front door for security
  • Style and Durability


  • Are composite doors more expensive than uPVC?
  • How to stop composite doors creaking

So before you go ahead and purchase a uPVC door or a french door, take a look at this article one more time just to remind yourself of the advantages and disadvantages of composite doors.

Pros of composite doors

There are many pro’s to owning a composite door, whilst we’ve covered this topic before, we’ve listed some key standout features and benefits of owning a composite door.

Composite vs wooden doors

The key benefits of owning a composite door vs a wooden door is the low maintenance and longevity composite doors have to offer. They last for many years and don’t require re-painting or many repairs.

Whereas wooden doors over time can begin to look dated (old paint beginning to chip), are liable to rotting and can’t withstand tough weather conditions that composite doors can.

And for a slightly higher price, a composite door overall seems like a good investment compared to a wooden door.

The best front door for security

There’s no doubt that composite doors are the most secure and safe door to choose from. With it’s reinforced materials, the overall strength and quality of the door, it’s arguably one of the best doors in terms of security on the market.

Not to mention the state-of-the-art locking mechanisms used inside the door, it makes composite doors an all-around equipped door to prevent intruders and deter thieves.

Style and Durability

Now that we know the door is low maintenance, is sustainable and is one of the most security-focused doors on the market, what about the style of the door and how durable is it?

Composite doors come in a range of different colours and styles, allowing the homeowner to fully customise the door to their own specification and design, in-keeping with the rest of their home.

Whereas some doors may lose a sense of durability and sustainability because of the style and design, the composite door doesn’t. It fully maintains its strength, longevity and energy-efficiency benefits.

pros and cons of composite doors

Cons of composite doors

So now we know all about the benefits of owning a composite door, it may seem too good to be true. But to put things into perspective every product has a few disadvantages which could be improved upon and we’ve picked out the two biggest disadvantages that may put homeowners off from choosing a composite door for their home.

Are composite doors more expensive than uPVC doors?

One of the main downfalls of composite doors is the price. 

When shopping around for a new front or back door, the price tag that comes attached with a composite door could be the number one reason homeowners are put off from buying one from their home.

Whilst we can’t give an exact figure, many homeowners would be looking to spend up to the region of £1,000 if not more.

And while this may be seen as a disadvantage, the reasoning behind the price is actually quite simple in that, you pay for what you get.

With all the pro’s and benefits mentioned, there has to be a price tag to match. Therefore you pay for what you get, a high-quality, secure door with customisable designs and features. Uncontested to other front and back doors.

If you have a budget and stick to it then a uPVC door or a stable door may suit your budget better. 

For a full list of average double glazing prices and doors, check out our guide which helps to give homeowners a rough idea of the current market prices.

Composite doors creaking

The other disadvantage is how composite doors crack and creak during hot weather. 

When the sun has been beaming down on your house all day, heating up your doors and windows, later on in the evening or early in the morning, you may hear cracking or creaking coming from your door. 

And, because of the security benefits previously mentioned, you know that nobody can break in! So don’t be alarmed, it’s simply the plastics inside the door expanding and contracting due to the heat. 

As the door heats up, you may find the door harder to close (this is mostly due to a door being too big for a door frame) and in turn, you may hear a cracking or creaking noise.

And vice versa, when the door cools down, the door is returning back to its normal size, that’s when you may hear the noises at night (when the air cools down).

This problem is somewhat of a pet peeve for homeowners rather than a serious issue and one that can be fixed. But it’s something that has been discussed within the double glazing community so much so, that we addressed it in one of our articles.

composite doors

Is a composite door really worth it?

Ultimately, it comes down to you, the homeowner to decide. Having a budget and a list of requirements for your next front or back door is a good place to start and whilst a composite door will no doubt tick a lot of the boxes, it really comes down to personal preference.

We hope that we have answered a lot of questions you may have had when weighing up whether or not to buy a composite door.

We certainly believe that if you have the money and have a particular style and design in mind, then a composite door is a great investment in any home as the pro’s far outweigh the con’s.

Get a free, online quote today, to see an instant visual representation of how your composite door will look. 

Then, why not find a door installer near you to come to your home and start installing your new composite door.

Do composite doors fade?

One of the many benefits composite doors have to offer is the low maintenance benefit. Meaning, the composite door will still look brand new for years to come.
Maybe after their life expectancy, the door may start to fade, but this could be up to 30 years.

How long will a composite door last?

Generally, a composite door can last up to 30 years. Which is why they are one of the most popular doors amongst homeowners for their sustainability and durability.

Is a composite door better than wood?

In most cases yes, a composite door is a go-to for any homeowner who wants a low maintenance door with customisable features and a door that promotes sustainability and durability.

Are composite doors warmer than uPVC?

Composite doors promote maximum energy efficiency and are 10% thicker than most doors on the market, making them warmer in a sense of heat retention whilst minimizing loss of energy.

3 Benefits of Triple Glazing

With energy bills constantly on the rise, homeowners are (rightfully so) on the lookout for ways to not only cut the cost of their electricity and gas, but also to lower the amount of energy they use. As a result, homeowners are looking at every possible angle, even through their windows and doors.

Triple glazing is the next step up from double glazing. Providing a 3-layered approach to window glazing, it aims to trap more heat in the home, reducing the need for so much energy usage. But what are the benefits of triple glazing?

Some of the main benefits of triple glazing include:

  • Reduced heat loss
  • Trapping of more heat inside the property
  • Noise dampening

But there are also some downsides to triple glazing, such as the increase in cost when compared to double glazing, as well as the reduction of natural light that can enter the home.

Let’s take a look at the benefits of triple glazing in more detail.

Reduced heat loss

One of the main considerations when looking to upgrade windows or doors is the energy efficiency impact. Triple glazing can help to reduce heat loss due to the increased thickness and the extra layer in between the inside and outside. This helps keep heat energy within the property, meaning less energy needs to be used to keep the house warm.

Trapping of more heat inside the property

Similar to the above, triple glazing helps to trap heat inside the property. This is particularly helpful during the colder months when you need to keep the heat on for longer. It can provide that extra breathing space to turn the heat off for a bit, safe in the knowledge that the triple glazed windows are keeping more heat in the home for longer.

Noise dampening

If you live on a main road (or your street is just busy) then triple glazing can help to dampen noise from the outside. Likewise, if you have a noisy house with kids running around or enjoy music at high volume levels, then it can also help to reduce noise leaking outside.

For more information on triple glazing, take a look at our triple glazed windows page where we look at the key differences when comparing triple and double glazing.

Window and door hardware you can trust

Your home is your pride and joy, so keeping it secure is one of your main priorities. That’s why when it comes to updating your windows and doors, you need to be sure that the hardware and locking systems are going to keep your house and all your belongings safe and secure.

It isn’t uncommon to have a new window fitted and then find, after a year or less, that they are loose on their hinges. As a homeowner, this is both concerning and annoying, which is why you’ll need to find a supplier who puts care into every part of their product.  

The importance of good window and door hardware

Security is one of the most important factors when choosing a new uPVC window or door. It’s more than just the style and configuration you’ll need to be thinking off, as any product designed to provide security is only as good as its weakest link. So choosing a frame that has no weak links is paramount. As well as the locking mechanism, you need to make sure that hinges and handles are of the highest quality.

At the Double Glazing Network, we are committed to making sure every part of your new windows and doors are of the highest standard, which is why we partner with the leading brands for window and door hardware.

Our partners

The DGN are proud partners of Yale, Lockmaster and Mila Hardware, who help us to provide the highest quality locking systems and window and door hardware on the market.

As three of the UK’s most recognised manufacturers of window and door hardware, their innovative products, rigorous security testing and continuous efforts to improve their product ranges make them the perfect partners to provide unbeatable security.

Peace of mind

Yale, Lockmaster and Mila not only provide fantastic security products but also go the extra mile to provide complete peace of mind, with both our window and door locking systems coming with 10-year guarantees against mechanical failure. Additionally, the Yale Shootbolt system comes with a £1000 guarantee against your insurance in the event of a break-in.  

At the Double Glazing Network, as well as being committed to providing the highest levels of security, we also offer an easy process, which allows you to find trustworthy uPVC door and window installers in your local area.

If you’re looking to update your home, try our online quote builder to get an instant quote, which our team can process for you within 24 hours. You can also find your nearest DGN installer wherever you are in the UK using our search tool.

Finding the right window for your home

We know that having new windows installed into your home is a long term investment, and therefore choosing the right frames for your home is a big decision. We want to help you as much as possible to make the decision that is right for you and your property.

In today’s article, we’ll take a look at the benefits of updating your windows and the different styles we offer, which you will need to consider before making your purchase.

Benefits of new windows

New windows are great for bringing a new lease of life into your home. Whether you’re in the market because your old windows are due to be replaced, or are thinking of upgrading to improve the aesthetic or thermal efficiency of your home, we have the right windows to help transform your home.

If your windows are on the older side, not only will new windows look better, but will also provide improved security and energy efficiency, with the added benefit of being more environmentally friendly. This is due to advances in uPVC technology, spearheaded by our uPVC manufacturing partner Liniar.

These added benefits will not only improve the heating in your home and make you and your family feel safer, but it will also help to lower the cost of your home insurance.

Window styles

Now that you know some of the benefits new uPVC windows can bring, let’s take a look at some of the available styles.


Casement windows feature two sides which can be open and closed independently and are one of the most commonly used and recognisable uPVC window styles. As well as being classically stylish, Casement windows are also incredibly secure and versatile.

Flush Sash

Our Flush Sash windows provide all of the aesthetics of a traditional timber frame whilst also offering greater thermal efficiency, security and with little to no maintenance requirements.

Available with endless customisability combinations, our Flush Sash uPVC windows fit seamlessly into any home.

Sliding Sash Windows

If you’re looking to upgrade your windows whilst also preserving the existing character of your home the Sash Horn and Sliding Sash windows are fantastic choices. With their silky smooth operation, you will no longer need to worry about your windows sticking.

Like all of our windows and doors, our Sliding Sash windows are completely free of lead and are 100% recyclable. No matter the time of year, Liniar Sliding Sash windows keep your home safe from the elements.

Tilt & Turn

Tilt & Turn uPVC windows are highly versatile and functional, allowing for the greatest range of movement of any window type.

Tilt & Turn is a great option if you’re looking to improve the ventilation in your home. The ability to position the window into a tilt only angle allows fresh air to be circulated whilst also keeping your property secure. They also provide easy cleaning functionality, banishing the awkwardness that comes with cleaning a traditional window.

Which window is best suited for your budget

Choosing windows that fit within your budget and meet your requirements can be difficult. If you are struggling, it’s worth thinking about what you need first and foremost.

Are you wanting to maximise the natural light in your home? Revitalise the look of your property? Or are you just replacing windows that are on their way out? Whatever the case, there’s a uPVC window for you.

If you’re still unsure about which window style is best for you, why not try out our window quote tool? Here you can make choices about the type and the style of window, right down to the accessories and colour. Alternatively, you can search for your nearest window installer.

What makes a secured by design window or door?

What is secured by design?

When it comes to the window and door security, the secured by design accreditation may be something you’ve heard mentioned. But what is it really? And why is it beneficial?

Secured by design is a police backed standard and specification for the design and manufacturing of products which make burglaries more difficult. These security standards cover a broad spectrum of applications and products including windows, doors and locking systems.

So how is having windows and doors that are Secured By Design accredited beneficial?

Secured by Designed Standard

The Secured By Design standard is an indicator that your windows and doors have been rigorously tested to the highest security standards. However, we don’t just carry out the initial test, we regularly retest our products to prevent any deterioration in product quality over time and ensure they continue to remain secure.

With up to an 87% reduction of burglaries in new homes, the secured by design standard is clearly effective at reducing crime and keep homeowners safe. As well as this, having secured by design window and doors frames can also reduce your home’s insurance costs.  

Which DGN products are secured by design accredited?

As security is a key item on any homeowners priority list, it’s vital that your new windows and doors provide the best protection available. At the DGN we’re set on providing this assurance, so each and every one of our products is SBD accredited, from the hardware to the frame.

That’s right, every single one, which includes both our Yale and ATK locking systems as well as each of our Liniar frames. So whether you’re buying a bi-fold door or a flush sash window, you’re protected.

At the DGN we provide secure doors and windows to suit any home. With a 10-year manufacturers guarantee and more than 35 years of expected lifetime, there’s no better choice than DGN. Get a quote on a new set of doors or windows today, or find your nearest trusted DGN installer using our installer search tool.

How do I choose the right door for my budget

With the new year in full swing, there’s no better time to think about making home improvements. If you’re looking to make a great first impression, a new bespoke door may be the ticket.

As our doors can come in an extensive range of styles, materials, and configurations we’ve put together this article to cover the range of doors we offer.


uPVC doors

uPVC doors generally tend to be the most cost-effective option for many homeowners. This is due to a construction that is more simplistic than its composite counterpart. But don’t mistake uPVCs simplicity as being indicative of poorer quality. Our Liniar uPVC frames are at the forefront of innovation, pushing the boundaries of thermal efficiency and security, as well as style.

If you’re looking for an energy efficient and secure door, uPVC has all of the benefits of a modern door at great prices. On top of this, uPVC doors are highly customizable allowing for nearly endless personalization.


Composite doors

Composite doors are usually a larger investment than most other door types, although there is good reasons for this. DGN composite doors combine all of the benefits of uPVC with a foam core for additional weatherproofing and shock absorption as well as a glass reinforced plastic outer shell, which is highly weather resistant.

Overall composite doors offer the best security and energy efficiency features available on the market and DGNs Endurance range is no exception. On top of this, our composite doors come with the same extensive range of customizability options available on our uPVC range, so you’ll never need to choose function over style.

What should you choose?

When it comes to doors, our advice would be to choose a door that provides you with the features you require and is within your budget. Whilst other door types are available, nothing beats the low maintenance requirements and fantastic feature set of uPVC and composite doors.

To see our full range of doors, head to our product page or contact your local installer to request a brochure. Our team is always happy to help. If you already have an idea of what you’re after, why not try our free quote builder tool?


Sustainable Windows and Doors: Recycling old Frames

uPVC now represents the largest market share portion for windows and doors, when compared with traditional timber and aluminium frames. But what does that mean for sustainability? Are uPVC windows and doors recyclable and will they be processed accordingly?

There is a misconception that uPVC frames represent the less environmentally friendly option. In this article, we discuss the facts about recycling old Frames. Plus how, as a homeowner, you can help to ensure your old windows are being disposed of correctly.

Sustainable manufacturing

Liniar manufacture uPVC windows and doors that are completely lead-free. This makes them safer for your family and the environment. The uPVC manufacturing process also requires far less energy consumption, in comparison to alternative frame materials.

In addition, Liniar windows are the most thermally efficient windows on the market, which means your home will have lower running costs and greater fuel efficiency.

How to make sure your frames are recycled

If you want to be absolutely certain that your frames can be reused after removal, there are measures you should take. This will help to ensure that your installer is removing the frames correctly. When a surveyor checks your property, make sure all materials that must be disposed of or recycled are correctly recorded.

Additionally, check with the installer that they are sending the materials to the correct place. DGN installers only work with trusted plastic and glass recycling facilities, ensuring that no part of your window goes to waste.

How much of a frame can be recycled?

The question is, can uPVC frames be recycled? Unlike timber frames, which cannot always be recycled, all components of Liniar uPVC windows, including the glass, are recyclable. With up to 10 re-uses, the same materials can be in circulation for up to 300 years. Some of the benefits of recycling old frames are that they can be reused. This includes repurposing as piping, garden furniture or even as dental retainers.

As well as being the most thermally efficient window frame on the market, Liniar windows offer the most future-proof solution for your window installation. To find out more about having Liniar windows installed in your home use our free Quote Builder. Or you can contact your nearest installer today.