How To Remove Internal Condensation on Double Glazing

19 December 2019
Updated 28 February 2021

Have you ever noticed condensation build-up at the bottom of your window frames inside your house? If you haven’t noticed it before, go and take a look.

It usually occurs in the colder months, so if you’ve just been to have a look and then come back to this article, we apologise!

But it is a problem that many homeowners face which, isn’t really a problem.

It’s actually a good sign, it’s telling you that your double glazing is working.

Window condensation

When cold air meets warm glass, condensation happens and creates a build-up of water in the corner of your windows.

And if left unattended it can lead to damp or mould, so it’s best if you clear it up before any health risks start to happen.

In this blog, we will give you some simple tips and tricks to remove internal double glazing condensation and keep on top of your window maintenance.

What causes condensation build-up?

In the colder months, condensation build-up is more than likely to occur due to the cold air coming into contact with the warm surface on window panes.

Why does this happen? Because as the days and nights start to get colder we put the heating on, enjoy warm baths, dry our clothes inside, all of which heats the house up to a temperature that isn’t matched outside.

This then creates condensation on the inside of the window as the cold air from the outside meets the warm windows from the heat generated inside.

One way to eradicate this issue is by opening windows to allow for ventilation to flow through the house, which will help with the condensation issue. Or make use of extractor fans in the kitchen and bathroom to let any steam or heat escape and to let air flow through the house. It doesn’t have to be for long, just long enough to have airflow and to remove the excess heat.

But what should you do when it’s the middle of Winter and below freezing? Opening the window sounds like the last thing you’d want to do.

Use a hairdryer to remove condensation in double glazing

We don’t mean start drying your hair as soon as you’ve gotten out the shower.

Instead, as a small house hack, use your hairdryer to remove any condensation build-up around your double glazing.

Please bear in mind that this is only a short-term fix and should only be treated as one.


If it has been left for too long, there may be damp or mould starting to occur. If this is the case, you should take precautions and consult a professional for mould removal, as it can be a risk to health.

Whilst this method may be fine for the colder months once it starts to occur, as a more long-term solution you may need to look at other options.

How to fix condensation in double glazing

For more of a long-term fix, consider keeping windows open slightly to allow constant airflow. By doing so, this will make sure that your house is regularly ventilated and should minimise the build-up of condensation.

Other solutions could be to use an extractor fan when cooking or when having a bath to allow steam and heat to escape through the fan, rather than causing it to flow through the house which may affect the temperature of the windows and cause condensation to occur.

If your house is naturally warm and condensation is usually an issue for you, then consider investing in a dehumidifier which can soak up a lot of the excess water in the air and help keep your house dry and keep condensation at bay.

Whilst this may be an expensive, one-off cost, see it as more of an investment to keep your home running the way it should.

Condensation between the two window panes

If you experience condensation inside your double glazing, this could be cause for concern and you may need to find an installer to get your double glazing repaired.

It may be that there’s a crack in the window seal, or that your seals have failed, either way, we would highly recommend you speak to a double glazing specialist who can best advise you on the next steps to take.

Stay on top of your double glazing

Make sure to stay on top of your double glazing, especially in the colder months where condensation is more than likely going to occur. 

Use our hairdryer trick mentioned in this article for a short-term fix; for anything longer, you may need to invest in a dehumidifier or you may have an issue with your double glazing if condensation continues to occur.