Composite Doors vs Wooden Doors: Which Should I Choose?
1 June 2020
Updated 11 December 2020
When it comes to picking new doors for your home, it can come across quite daunting due to all of the options that are available. Whether it’s material, style, or colour, there’s so many options to choose from, and it can be tricky to know what differences you’ll see from each.
That’s why in this article we’ll be taking a look at composite doors and wooden doors, seeing what their differences are, and which type of door might be right for your home.
Composite doors
Composite doors have increased in popularity over the past 5 years to become one of the most popular door products.
But what makes the composite door so popular?
It comes down to its characteristics.
Composite doors are made up of a few different materials.
First, they have a uPVC outer frame which is reinforced with galvanized steel.
Next up, there’s a composite uPVC sub-frame which is designed to ensure the door remains stable.
The inner frame of the door uses hardwood, allowing the door to stay rigid.
But that’s not all. A composite door also uses a polyurethane foam core and PVC banding.
Finally, to prevent warping or twisting, a composite door contains a glass reinforced plastic on its surface.
Why do people choose a composite door?
You’ll often find a composite door being used as a front door. Composite front doors are increasingly common, and often recommended, as a front door.
The reasons why are quite simple.
Composite doors are known for their durability and weather resistance. And with a front door often being the most used external door on a house, it’s important for it to be durable and weather resistant.
But composite doors do come at a higher cost compared to other types of door on the market.
Wooden doors
Wooden doors are a more traditional style of door. Made simply of wood, wooden doors can vary in style, but they have remained fairly popular over the years.
They are commonly used to provide a specific appearance inside a home, so are often used as an internal door.
What are the benefits and drawbacks of a wooden door?
As mentioned above, wooden doors are good at providing a specific appearance in a home.
For those on a more conscious budget, wooden doors are often cheaper than their composite counterparts.
But wooden doors also have their downsides.
When it comes to UK weather, wooden doors are susceptible to rainfall, which can cause them to swell, and when it’s sunny and warm, they can warp.
They also require more maintenance, usually a repaint every 2-5 years, and have a slightly shortener expected lifespan, only 30 years.
What’s right for me – a composite door or a wooden door?
It’s important to make your own decision on which door is right for you, taking into account the benefits and drawbacks mentioned above.
Nonetheless, it is possible to look at some simple scenarios to decide which door may be right for you.
Internal doors
If you’re looking for an internal door, such as a bedroom door, you may be better off with a wooden door. This is due to the lower cost, and also, wooden doors are designed for indoors due to their inability to withstand the outside elements.
Front doors
Looking to brighten up the front of your home? A composite door may well be the way to go. Due to their weather resistant properties and increases security, they can be a worthy investment for the front of your home.
Hopefully this article helps you to make an informed decision on the type of door to choose. If you are looking for a new door and are interested in how much it may cost, you can use our online door quote tool to compare 3 prices from local companies.