How to minimise unexpected delays to window or door installation
5 October 2018
Updated 17 January 2019
The thought of having any large-scale home improvements fills many of us with dread. The big question being, how long is this going to take? And how much disruption will it cause? Whilst every company will provide an estimated timeframe, there’s always the chance that the unexpected will occur. Meaning you could end up being inconvenienced for far longer than you had initially expected.
So how can you minimise unexpected delays? Well, there are a number of things you can do. With this guide, we’ll teach you to minimise delays. Meaning you can enjoy your new home improvement as quickly as possible.
Get a schedule in writing
It’s a good idea before you start to get a schedule from your installer, in writing. This gives you the opportunity to make arrangements around the work being carried out. It also provides you with evidence of the installer’s intentions from the outset. It is also a good idea to establish a rapport with your installers to ensure there is good communication between you and the team. This will make them more likely to keep you informed of any potential delays, ahead of time.
Prepare the site beforehand
The more you can do to prepare the site, the quicker your installers will be able to get to work. This means ensuring halls are clear and work areas are free of furniture and other obstructions. Not only will this speed up the process, but will also go a long way to building a good relationship between yourself and your installers.
Use Quote Builder
Nobody likes to sit around waiting for a quote to be finalised. Delaying the start time could also mean you end up missing the nice weather and having to have your windows or doors installed in less favourable conditions. Thus leading to further delays.
By making use of our Quote Builder, DGN customers can reduce these delays and generate a bespoke quote in a matter of minutes. By providing key measurements and selecting from our extensive range of styles you can get a quotation built just for you.
Choosing the right time to replace your windows.
When is the best time to replace your windows? Really, the answer is the time that suits you best. You may prefer to have your windows replaced during the summer months when the weather is warmer and inclement weather is less likely to hold up progress. However, during the autumn, installers take fewer bookings, meaning they will be able to dedicate more time to your project and you can have your new windows installed before the winter weather arrives.
When you DO experience delays
When you do experience delays in the installation, the first task is to contact the project leader and seek an explanation for the delay. They will be able to give you an idea of how long it will take for the project to get back on track. Now is also a good time to refer them to the project plan they gave you up front.
Find a trusted installer
And finally, when you’re having your windows replaced, it’s always best to source an approved and trusted installer. Double Glazing Network members are all required to operate with a 7-10 day turnaround on quotes, so you know your window or door installation will always be underway without delay. Click here to find your nearest Double Glazing Network approved installer.